Why you need a production calendar

July 7th, 2014

I learned a huge lesson this last week that will change your ministry.

The funny thing was it already applied to this episode. Isn’t it great how things work like that?

In this episode I want to share with you why you (and your ministry) need a production calendar. It is one of the big pieces in the picture that helps your ministry be effective in reaching people. I share plenty of resources in this episode, so get ready.

The List

31 Ways Your Meetings Are Inefficient: Craig Jarrow
Confession. I hate meetings. They seem to always just be happen because people feel a meeting is necessary. Craig gives reasons why meetings sometimes suck and how you can make them better.

Tracking Producing vs Consuming: David Seah
David’s resources are no stranger to the podcast. Over the last month he has been on a journey to actually discover what he is creating/doing instead of just simply working. I have been tracking this journey. This blog post is a great primer to his entire experiment.

Productivity for Pastors-Know Thyself: Tim Spivey
Tim really lays it all out here. This is a great post about keeping it centered and being open to the process.

Why You Need a Production Calendar

This last week I have been at a training with other friends starting new United Methodist congregations in Louisiana this year. We have had an amazing time and I learned a lesson that really affects out discussion today.

Many times we ask questions about why we should be productive (because we are secretly scared we don’t know what to do next). As ministers, many of us didn’t receive practical training in seminary and Bible college about these skills. We just keep our fingers crossed and learn as we go.

Imagine what our ministries could do if we understand the simple steps to managing large projects.

What was the big lesson I learned? Amazing things happen when you focus on the small steps. It is a simple, step by step timeline for everything I need to get done.

One of my growing passions is to help people learn to take ministry from A (a dream) to Z (done and won). An essential part of this is learning why everyone needs a production calendar. A production (or editorial) calendar is simply a map of everything you have going on.

Here are the three benefits of a production calendar.

1. Production calendars help you see the big picture. Imagine what ministry could be like if everyone was always on the same page and accomplishing the same large goals. This is part of that process. Everyone knows why everything matters. Instead of eight different focuses going on simultaneously, the entire ministry can focus on common goals and teaching strategies.

No one is shooting in the dark.

They also help you realize when you are teaching way to much of the same subject (yeah, that happens). I learned that lesson from preaching rocket and it changed the last 8 months of my preaching.

2. The content is right in front of you. Guess work in ministry is eliminated. You're never asking “what’s next?” When you plan out your month, weeks and days, there is purpose behind every decision.

3. You and your ministry are consistently, steadily moving forward. It isn’t enough to just keep the ball in the air. That’s what many of us end up doing.

Doing this shouldn’t be scary. It is all about small steps toward much larger goals.

Toolbox Tip: Keep something with you to always write down ideas. It might be an app, notebook or note cards. This way you can write it down and come back to it later.

Remember to sign up for the Productive Pastor Insider. I’ll give you my Weekly/Daily tools to keep you focused on ministry priorities. These are amazing, big picture resources to help you minister at the highest level of effectiveness.

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