The Trouble with the Truth Streaming Video Session 6

Balancing Truth and Grace

The Trouble with the Truth Streaming Video Session 6
Author Rob Renfroe
Publisher Abingdon Press
Publication Date 7/2014
Binding Digital Media
ISBN 9781630884734
Retail Price $4.99
There’s a lot of talk today about “culture wars,” but these external conflicts are only a symptom of a deeper problem: there is trouble with the truth. Beneath our differences about the values that should define our culture is a real disagreement about what is true. Those who hold to the traditional beliefs of the Christian faith find themselves at odds with a culture that no longer believes there are universal spiritual or moral truths that apply to everyone. And they grieve that the confusion about what is true is just as strong in the church. The Trouble with the Truth explores the truth in six sessions. Rob Renfroe reminds us that the Christian life requires commitment to both truth and grace.

Synthesize grace and truth as inseparable elements of life as disciples of Jesus. Be encouraged to devote your life to the pursuit revealed fully in Christ.

Run Time: 13:25

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