Christian Education in the Small Membership Church - eBook

Christian Education in the Small Membership Church - eBook
Author Dr. Karen B. Tye
Dev Editor Dr. M. Kathryn Armistead
Publisher Abingdon Press
Publication Date 9/2010
Binding E-Book
ISBN 9781426722226
Retail Price $18.99
Discount Price $12.79 (33% discount)
Christian Education is part of the vital ministry of all churches, but especially of small membership churches. In a culture that places great value on numbers, small membership churches often mistakenly see themselves at a disadvantage. Small membership churches can create wonderful opportunities to form and disciple faithful followers of Jesus Christ. In offering viable Christian Education, the role of the pastor is critical. This book invites pastors to lead their small membership churches to develop an imaginative and holistic vision of Christian Education. Read the Introduction