Pulpit Resource

Welcome to the new Pulpit Resource from Will Willimon. For over three decades Pulpit Resource helps preachers prepare to preach. Now in partnership with Abingdon Press, this homiletical weekly is available with fresh and timely accessibility to a new generation of preachers.
No sermon is a solo production. Every preacher relies on inherited models, mentors in the preacher’s past, commentaries on biblical texts by people who have given their lives to such study, comments received from members of the congregation, last week’s news headlines, and all the other things that make a sermon communal.
No Christian does anything on their own. We live through the witness of the saints; preachers of the past inspire us and judge us. Scripture itself is a product of the community of faith. A host of now-forgotten teachers taught us how to speak. Nobody is born a preacher.
Pulpit Resource is equivalent to sitting down with a trusted clergy friend over a cup of coffee and asking, “What will you preach next Sunday?” Whenever I’ve been asked by new preachers, “How can I develop as a preacher?” my usual response is, “Get in a group of preachers. Meet regularly. Learn how to give and how to receive help. Sort through the advice of others, and utilize helpful insights.”
That’s Pulpit Resource.
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Terms and Conditions
While MinistryMatters offers many resources free of charge, Will Willimon’s Pulpit Resource, published by Abingdon Press, is offered as premium subscription content in print or with digital access. Pulpit Resource can be subscribed on an annual basis. Subscription charges will be applied to your bank credit card or to your Cokesbury account, based on the choice of the subscriber at time of purchase. The annual renewal date will be based on the subscriber’s original subscription date. On the date that the subscription is placed, if it is within 30 days of the start of a quarter, the current quarterly issue of Pulpit Resource will be mailed (if a print subscription is selected) or the current online quarterly edition will become available immediately. If the subscription is placed more than thirty day after the start of a current quarter, the next quarter will be mailed to begin the subscription.
The annual renewal date will be based on the quarter when the subscription began, and you will get access to four quarters of the periodical. You will be notified by email prior to the annual renewal date for your subscription. Your account will be automatically charged for the annual renewal unless you notify us at MinistryMatters.com or by phone with a MinistryMatters customer service representative. Contact customer service at 1-800-409-5346 or email subscriptions@ministrymatters.com.
Thank you for subscribing to Pulpit Resource. We think you will appreciate how it stimulates your preaching.