Worship Elements: November 24, 2024

September 14th, 2012

Christ the King Sunday

COLOR: White
SCRIPTURE READINGS: 2 Samuel 23:1-7; Psalm 132:1-12; Revelation 1:4b-8; John 18:33-37


Kingship, both human and divine, focuses today’s readings. Though a flawed vessel, King David was everything a human king ought to be. Second Samuel relates the last words of David, an oracle proclaiming the commitment of his house and lineage to God’s everlasting covenant. David trusted the Lord. In Psalm 132, David forswears sleep until a resting place is found for the ark of the covenant. Yet, even David’s piety, and God’s promise of an everlasting covenant, cannot keep David’s line from falling into sin. Divine kingship alone is sufficient to remain faithful. The readings from Revelation 1 and John 18
herald this kingship. Ultimately, all human kings fail us. Christ alone is our rightful King and Sovereign.


Call to Worship (2 Samuel 23, John 18)

Christ came to be our King.
We have come to be Christ’s people.
The King of kings calls us to follow him.
We have come to be Christ’s people.
Christ came to be our King.
We have come to be Christ’s people.

Opening Prayer (2 Samuel 23, Revelation 1)

Mighty Sovereign,
we approach your throne
to behold your glory.
Open our eyes,
that we might witness your Son
coming with the clouds
to rule with justice
and righteousness.
Open our hearts,
that we may rejoice
in your covenant,
like the sun rising
on a cloudless morning. Amen.


Prayer of Confession (John 18, Revelation 1)

Almighty God,
we are intoxicated by power—
the power to dominate,
the power to control,
the power to punish,
the power to reward,
the power to have our own way.
We live in a powerful country
with powerful leaders
and a powerful military.
Forgive us when we lose sight
of what true power is all about.
Forgive us when we forget
that Jesus is our true and only King.
Help us refasten our gaze on Christ’s kingdom,
that we might work
to bring this kingdom here on earth.
In the name of the Alpha and Omega,
the first and the last, we pray. Amen.

Words of Assurance (Psalm 132)

The Lord made a covenant with King David,
promising faithfulness to his descendants.
In Christ, we have a new covenant,
assuring us forgiveness of sins
and fullness of grace.
In Christ, our true king,
our lives are made whole.

Response to the Word (2 Samuel 23)

The spirit of the Lord speaks to us,
teaching us lessons that endure.
The Light of light shines on us,
illuminating the minds of the wise.
The spirit of the Lord speaks to us,
leading us into life.
This is the word of God for the people of God.
Thanks be to God!

Call to Prayer (Revelation 1)

The Alpha and Omega, the first and last, the one who was and is and is to come, is the Lord God Almighty. Let us lift up our prayers to the one who offers us every blessing.


Invitation to the Offering (2 Samuel 23)

Rock of Israel,
you bless us with the light of morning,
the sun dawning on a new day;
you grace us with dew on the grass,
the glistening promise of new possibilities.
Open our eyes to your splendor,
and open our hearts to our call
to give of ourselves
each and every day.


Benediction (2 Samuel 23, Psalm 132, Revelation 1)

The mighty one of Jacob sends us forth.
We go with God’s blessing.
The rock of Israel sends us forth.
We go with God’s blessing.
The Alpha and Omega sends us forth.
We go with God’s blessing.


Contemporary Gathering Words

Our leaders always fail us.
Follow Christ, our Lord, our King.
Our leaders always let us down.
Follow Christ, our Lord, our King.
Our leaders always lose their way.
Follow Christ, our Lord, our King.

Praise Sentences (John 18)

Our king has come.
Worship Christ the king.
Our king has come.
Worship Christ the king.
Our king has come.

Adapted from The Abingdon Worship Annual 2009, © 2008 Abingdon Press
The Abingdon Worship Annual 2013 is available now.