Sermon Starter: Jesus GPS

March 22nd, 2011

There are few people that can argue with the fact that technology has changed the face of contemporary society.  Computers, cell phones, and other types of digital technology have had a huge impact on the way business is conducted, relationships are formed, and worship is observed. Search engines have made it simple to find nearly any piece of information that exists in the world, with just a few clicks of a mouse. 

Technology has also given us a new vocabulary and a new set of operating procedures.  For instance, when going to a new location for the first time, it is common practice to get directions from an online mapping service.  You enter the starting address and the desired ending address, and the program will generate a list of step by step directions.

As anyone who has tried this process knows, however, it does not have a foolproof accuracy rate.  I have been at meetings or luncheons when someone has come in late, blaming their Internet directions.  The directions can be unclear, outdated or simply wrong. In those cases, the user is lucky to have a cell phone with them so they can call their destination for the accurate directions!

People get used to this method of finding direction, even spiritually.  They acknowledge their current location: despair, brokenness, questioning, disbelief; and they aim for their desired location: peace, harmony, enlightenment, salvation.  They try following a certain path, only to find themselves spiritually traveling down dead end streets and roads blocked with construction.  They can’t find their true destination, and have no idea who to call for guidance. 

This is why Jesus tells us that he is the way, the truth, and the life.  Are you trying to find the right path for your life? Jesus is the way!  Are you confused by all the differing messages of faith?  Jesus is the truth!  Are you simply existing but yearn to live?  Jesus is the life!

Jesus offers a clear path that leads us to the assurance of salvation, the promise of the Kingdom, and the confidence of forgiveness and mercy, all destinations sought by spiritual seekers and faithful disciples alike. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life – the only directions we need.