Quick Links for Lent with Children

For children's ministries and parents below are some quick links to Lent and Easter resources to help you in planning. Check back more will be added:
- Pretzel Sunday written by Robert W. Sapp
- Lent for Kids: Focusing on God's Time written by Jenni Duncan
- What is Lent? Preparing for Easter is a little booklet that you can use in your children's ministries or individually with your child to teach them about Lent. The link includes a download for teaching helps.
- An Intergenerational Lenten Fair written by Nancy Gammill, set this fair up using different stations. Your adults will learn about Lent alongside the children!
- The Way: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus Based on Adam Hamilton’s The Way: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus and used in conjunction with the churchwide experience during Lent and Easter, children will explore the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Children will: explore the stories of Jesus, learn about the places where Jesus’ ministry took place, experience some of the culture of Bible times, and realize the significance of Jesus’ life on earth. Contains everything needed to conduct a seven-week study complete with reproducible handouts.
- Come, Taste the Bread: A Storybook About the Lord's Supper retells the biblical story from the Gospel of Luke a good resource to talk with children ages 4-8 about Communion.
- This Is Good News! is a book is based on the Gospel of Matthew and includes activities and stickers (for ages 4-10). If you have younger children see Happy Easter Day below.
- Happy Easter Day written for ages 18 months—2 years.
- The Easter Garden: A Lenten Experience for Children is a 7 session or one-day event for large-group/small-group settings. Includes a worship experience.
- How Do I Explain Easter to My Child? written by Carolyn Brown
- Dealing With Children's Hard Questions written by Ellen Shepard
Additional articles and more ideas may also be found on Quick Links for Lent.